What I Learned in 2017
2017 was an incredible series of highs and lows. The lows were so low but the highs took me so far up I didn't know the feeling existed....
730 Days.
When I was seventeen, love was new. It was the rush of a midnight kiss in the rain, staying out past curfew to be with each other a...
Cottage Potential.
A funk. A season. A changing of times. An emotional woman. Whatever you may call it, my life seems to be in one of those phases where...
Love is Patient, Love is Kind-Godly advice on relationships
Patience is so important when waiting for a relationship. You may be with someone right now who makes you sort of happy, but in reality...
Rules for the run around... and around and around and around
There comes a point in every toxic relationship when you ask yourself "why do I keep doing this"? The answer is simple, you love the...
Goodbye Freshman Year.
Im not someone who likes goodbyes, in fact I honestly hate them, but its time to say it... Goodbye to my Freshman year. This year has...