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Rules for the run around... and around and around and around

There comes a point in every toxic relationship when you ask yourself "why do I keep doing this"? The answer is simple, you love the person. You love them so much that all logic goes out the door and you become addicted to them like a drug. The lows are extremely low, but the highs, they are so damn high.

Sometimes however, the highs can't save you. It doesn't mean the love wasn't real, it may have been the most real and passionate thing you have ever felt, but the run around gets old. One minute he is all over you, the next he is pushing you away. You get tired of the stupid fights, the break ups just to make up every few months, oh and my favorite, the "we are together but not actually together" label. What kind of junk even is that and why did our generation make it a normal thing?!

With the help of Carrie Bradshaw of course, here are the rules for a run around:

Rule #1. After you finally decide to walk away, you are going to cry, maybe for a day or maybe a few weeks, and that is okay because you will soon realize YOU ARE going to be OKAY.

Rule #2: Call your girlfriends. Immediately! Its time for a night out. Or every night.

Rule #3: Go shopping. Trust me, just go. Treat yourself to a new outfit, or two, or if you're like me, than six.

Rule #4: Go to your favorite drive-through and splurge

Rule #5: He will pop up again. In person or text or social media, it will happen, so never think it won't.

Rule #6: That interaction is going to make you want to see each other again, and you just might make plans to.

Rule 7#: You might even get back together and be happy for a little while, but don't let yourself get too happy just yet...

Rule #8:

because it probably won't work out again like you planned in your head, but don't be so hard on yourself, its natural to want to keep trying when you love someone. Just move forward.

Rule #9: Call your girlfriends when it doesn't work out again. They'll act shocked even though they knew it wasn't going to work. But at least they'll still be there with drinks

Rule #10: Go work off those calories from the drinks and fast food, not just for yourself, but a hot body they can't have, is the best revenge there is

Last but not least, in the words of Carrie herself....

"And finally, the most important breakup rule: no matter who broke your heart or how long it takes to heal... you'll never get through it without your friends"

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